Spinal disc disease CPD evening
The title of the evening was Conservative management of IVDD/spinal disease – what does this actually mean and where does physiotherapy fit in?
Bruno Lopes DVM GPCert(Neuro) MRCVS, Resident in Neurology and Neurosurgery took the delegates through an interactive session reviewing case notes and the details in neurological examinations. Then through the diagnoses of patients, moving onto the conservative and surgical management of cases and the prognosis probability with the injury severity.
Laura Allmark MSc (Vet. Phys.), BSc (Hons), MNAVP, Head of Physiotherapy, then talked the delegates through a new Cambridge study to determine what proportion of dogs may get better without surgery and if there are any factors that can help us predict which dogs need surgery and which don’t. She then ran through all of the current papers on each of the physiotherapy techniques and tools and the important role of physiotherapy in conservative management of IVDD.
The event exceeded the delegates expectations who all enjoyed the interactive elements and having the chance to ask questions of a clinician and physiotherapist.