Laparoscopy is ‘Key-Hole’ surgery where small 1cm incisions are used to gain access to the abdomen for routine procedures or biopsies, using a camera and long handled narrow instruments.
The advantage is that the recovery time is much quicker and the risks associated with the abdominal wound of a conventional surgery are significantly reduced. Laparoscopy is most often used to biopsy organs (e.g. liver, pancreas), facilitate gastropexy, and neuter bitches. More advanced procedures such as laparoscopically assisted gastrointestinal surgery and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) are also possible and performed at Anderson Moores. Case selection is crucial to understand whether open or keyhole surgery are more appropriate for the individual patient. Advanced disease and emergencies often require open surgery. Patients with early disease or other comorbidities may instead benefit significantly from keyhole procedures to facilitate a rapid recovery.
Laparoscopic Ovariectomy ('Key-Hole' neutering)
Traditional neutering of female dogs is usually carried out via an incision in the middle of the underside of the abdomen. The length of this incision varies according to the weight and size of the dog and the uterus is removed as well as the ovaries. When neutering is done by keyhole surgery, very small incisions are made and only the ovaries are removed.
Recovery is very rapid and even very large dogs can go home the same day. Dogs should be rested for 3-4 days after surgery but then can be treated normally. There are usually three small wounds (with a stitch in each) and these need to be kept clean until the wounds have healed (10-14 days).
The procedure can be performed before the first season or otherwise should be performed at least 3 months from a season. It is not performed on dogs less than 8kg bodyweight. Owners of giant breed bitches may want to consider having a laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy carried out at the same time. This procedure should prevent the stomach from twisting (known as gastric torsion or 'GDV') which is a potentially fatal disease and is common in giant breed dogs.
We offer discounted fixed price fees for routine laparoscopic ovariectomy of otherwise healthy, young bitches. The price includes the anaesthetic, surgery and consumables but not any dispensed medication for use at home.
Please email us for more details regarding costs and for bookings.
Milly, a young Golden Retriever, had a laparoscopic ovariectomy at Anderson Moores. Jane, her owner (a vet) comments:
"Thank you all so much for taking such good care of Milly during her stay with you. She made a truly miraculous recovery, ate well that night and back to normal by the next day. The recovery from a keyhole spay is fantastic - pretty pain free!"