Our first face-to-face nurse CPD event of the year
On a bright evening in May this year a group of nurses from primary care practices across the county gave up their evenings after a long day at work to listen to two of our amazing veterinary nurses.
Rachel Pickles RVN Dipl. Advanced Vet Nursing (Medicine) our Learning and Development Team Leader who has been with us since we opened in 2006 spoke about ‘Monitoring and nursing patients for transfusion reactions’. She was followed by Lindsay Clark RVN GradDipVN VNCertECC on ‘Nursing the suspected Alabama Rot (CRGV) patient’.
The attendees enjoyed buffet refreshments while learning about the intricacies of nursing critically ill patients in a referral veterinary setting.
The event exceeded and met the delegates expectations with one person requesting to shadow one of our referral night nurses following the event.
To view our future CPD events please click here