COVID-19 Update: February 2022
Coronavirus is still with us, but it’s time to get back to ‘business as usual’ as much as we can, continuing to offer our exceptional care whilst doing all we can to protect you and our teams.
Before you arrive:
• Please ensure that all registration forms and any insurance paperwork are completed and sent to us in advance of your appointment.
• Please ensure that you have a mask with you, as we will ask you to wear one while you are inside the building (unless you are exempt; please let us know in advance if that is the case).
• Please let us know in advance if you would prefer a telephone consultation from your car and ensure you have a fully charged mobile phone. Once a telephone consultation has taken place, one of our clinicians will come and collect your pet for examination in the hospital. Please let us know if you would prefer you pet to be admitted to the hospital prior to the telephone consultation.
When you arrive:
• When you arrive at AMVS please check-in at reception or call us from your mobile phone if you prefer (01962 767920). If you have elected to have a consultation in a consulting room, then we can accommodate up to a maximum of two people (including children).
• You will be able to wait in our reception areas in socially distanced seating, go for a walk in our dog walking area, the Woodland Walk or wait in your car.
• All the AMVS team will be wearing a face mask. We politely ask all owners to wear a face mask during any face-to-face interaction with our staff.
• If you are exempt from wearing a face covering, please let us know when you book your appointment, so that we can make suitable adjustments for your visit.
• You will need to return to the reception desk once your consultation has finished.
• Please ensure you follow good hand hygiene measures at all times whilst visiting us. Our client WC and water dispenser are available if you would like to use them and are being regularly cleaned.
• Please be aware that we cannot take dog leads, cat baskets, blankets, bedding, or any other item from your home into the hospital. Your pet will be provided with a mattress and comfortable bedding while in the hospital.
Please remember that if you have a new, continuous cough; fever (increased temperature) or loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should be self-isolating, and you will therefore not be able to attend your appointment.
If you have any questions prior to your visit, then please feel free to call us on 01962 767920.
Thank you in anticipation for your help and please rest assured that your pet will receive the same exceptional care as normal from all our staff throughout your visit.