The Team

Maria Del Ma Bovis003

Maria del Mar Bovis


Resident in Small Animal Surgery

Maria graduated from the University of Cordoba, Spain in 2015. Initially, she worked in a first opinion practice with small animals as well as exotics and wildlife charities. In 2016 she gained her General practitioner Certificate In Exotic Animal practice. She then moved to Ireland in 2019 to complete a one-year surgical internship at Gilabbey Veterinary Hospital and a General practitioner Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2019, before returning to the UK for a rotating internship at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialist. She then started an ECVS Small Animal Surgery Residency in April 2021, at The Veterinary and Emergency Centre in Surrey. She rejoined Anderson Moores in January 2023 to complete her residency programme and specialist training.  Outside of work she enjoys outdoor activities such as rock climbing, sailing and hiking.