Juan Carlos Sandoval
Resident in Small Animal Surgery
Juan Carlos graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2017 and worked in a first opinion practice for a few months before completing an externship at Autònoma Barcelona University. He then moved to the UK and worked in a first opinion practice before completing two internships at referral hospitals in the South of England. Following his internships, Juan returned to general practice for a couple of years. He then worked for Surrey University as a Veterinary Clinical Teaching Fellow and contributed to the teaching of surgery and anaesthesia for veterinary students. Juan has also completed a certificate in Surgery and Anaesthesia and has got involved with some publications. Juan enjoys all aspects of small animal surgery.
- Cantatore M, Jimeno Sandoval JC, Das S, Sesana A, Charlesworth T, Ryan T, Morello EM, Gobbetti M, Cinti F, Rossanese M. Submucosal resection via a transanal approach for treatment of epithelial rectal tumors – a multicenter study. Vet Surg. 2022 Apr;51(3):397-408. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13766. Epub 2022 Jan 8. PMID: 34997760; PMCID: PMC9303683.
- Jimeno Sandoval JC, Charlesworth T, Anderson D. Outcomes and complications of anal sacculectomy for non-neoplastic anal sac disease in cats: 8 cases (2006-2019). J Small Anim Pract. 2022 Jan;63(1):56-61. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13414. Epub 2021 Aug 23. PMID: 34423440.
- Jimeno Sandoval JC, Peak K, Moores AL. Letter to the Editor: External manual reduction of intestinal intussusceptions with ultrasound assistance. J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio). 2021 Sep;31(5):674. doi: 10.1111/vec.13087. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34143935.
Congress presentations:
- Jimeno Sandoval JC, Cantatore M, Das S, Sesana A, Charlesworth T, Ryan T, Morello E, Gobbetti M, Cinti F, Rossanese M. 2021. Submucosal resection via a transanal approach for treatment of rectal tumors – a multicentric study. ECVS 30th Annual Scientific Meeting.
- Jimeno Sandoval JC (2020). Erroneous oral administration of moxidectin and imidacloprid spot-on with subsequent intoxication in two dogs. Proceedings of the Southern European Veterinary Conference Congress. November, Barcelona, Spain.
- Jimeno Sandoval JC, Andanuche Herreros S. Anestesia en pacientes veterinarios pediátricos y neonatos [en pequeños animales] (Anaesthesia in paediatric and neonates patients [Small Animals]). 2016. National Congress for undergraduate students for Health Degree’s/Veterinary Science and Biomedics Congress 2016
- Jimeno Sandoval JC, Diaz Castillo A, Gómez Hornero S. Tratamiento para el síndrome de disfunción congnitivo en perros (Pharmacological treatment for cognitive dysfunction síndrome in dogs). 2015. National Congress for undergraduate students for Health Degree’s/Veterinary Science and Biomedics Congress 2015
- Gómez Poveda B, Díaz T, Jimeno Sandoval JC. ¿Qué mosca te ha picado? (What fly has bitten you?). 2014. National Congress for undergraduate students for Health Degree’s/Veterinary Science and Biomedics Congress 2014